185-6525-0908 Digital IPTV system overall solution service provider

High Definition Digital TV Solution for Radio and Television Set-top Box

The principle of high-definition digital TV scheme is to decrypt the signals (image and sound signals) of the set-top box, convert them into digital signals, and then transmit them to the TV (the TV should support DTMB digital TV)
The current process of digital television signal transmission:
Radio and Television/Telecom/China Unicom/Mobile/Satellite -------->Set-top Box [Digital Signal] -------->High Definition Modulator -------->Television [Digital Signal]

Principle architecture; Coaxial principle


Principle architecture; Principle of network cable conversion


Focusing on digital television system equipment, IPTV television system equipment, triple play television system equipment, hotel/school/hotel/other places advertising on demand/insertion systems.

Provide services such as scheme design, equipment supply, technical guidance, etc.
